Compassion is one of the first things the Holy Spirit will bring into your life when you truly give your life to Christ. The desire to forgive, and even the super-human ability to actually do it will also come your way. Unfortunately, the opposite character traits seem evident in far too many of the lives of those who claim to know Jesus. The reality is that being controlled by our fleshly and worldly emotions is easier for us because we feel like we’re more in control. When God truly takes over, you’ll be more inclined to be like Jesus or Stephen (the first Christian killed for his faith), actually praying for the ones who were in the process of killing them. In another example, instead of holding on to hate for believers who abandoned him, the Apostle Paul had a similar prayer for those who wronged him. Have you found this attitude becoming more prevalent in your heart?
“At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them.” 2 Timothy 4:16
In Christ,
PastorJimKilby @Kilbin8er