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Those Eyes!


I’m a Christian man, and with God as my witness, I do everything I can to keep my mind pure and free from thoughts that would not glorify Him.  Unfortunately, doing everything “I” can is often not enough.  I suspect that as long as I have red blood pumping through my veins, I’ll need God’s help to master this one!  Men are visual creatures, and everyone knows it.  Just look at the magazine rack next to the check-out stand at your local grocery store.  Sex sells, and men are buying!  Women learn this very young, and they’re buying, too!  How many billions of dollars worth of make-up, perfume and tight-fitting tops do you suspect American women bought this year alone?  Many of the young (and mostly unchurched) women I work with are driven by a need to “look good” or worse to “look sexy” to get a boy’s attention.  There’s almost no limit to how much skin they’ll show–how much cleavage is too much cleavage?  I sit in counseling sessions with men, both young and old, and can tell you I have yet to meet one man who wasn’t struggling with some level of guilt over lusting with his eyes.  I struggle too!  Just the other day, a young woman stepped up beside me in a grocery store wearing one of the thinnest and tightest blouse I’ve ever seen in public.  With all the subtleness I could muster, I forced my head the other way and mumbled Job 31:1, a verse that’s become oh too familiar to me over the years.    

“I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl.” Job 31:1

Young men… even if you never spend a cent on a dirty magazine, or browse an explicit website, lusting with your eyes is just as much a sin. This is a struggle you’ll fight until the day you die… You won’t stand a chance without God’s help every step of the way. Make a covenant not to sin with your eyes!

Young ladies… consider carefully any stumbling block you put before your brother. Is the way you dress a quest for attention, or an attempt to glorify God in all you do?

In Christ,

PastorJimKilby @Kilbin8er

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