There are plenty of cults and religious sects that will give you a complete run-down on everything you need to do to earn your way into heaven. Some of the crazier ones make the news from time-to-time with some of their answers. Remember the Heaven’s Gate cult? They all killed themselves in an attempt to gain favor with “the gods” (via a space ship, of course)! As dangerous as that is, probably the much more dangerous attacks on Christianity are much more subtle. They’re the so-called Christian churches who add a list of “must do’s” to the simple but powerful message of the Cross. Maybe I should put it this way… You cannot earn your way into heaven, or into any type of favor with God. You have, however, EARNED your way into hell with your sinful desires and actions. Jesus’ death and resurrection were a GIFT to all who would receive Him–nothing required but to simply embrace it. It’s Satan who wants us to get it backwards, telling us we can “earn heaven,” or stronger yet, we MUST earn heaven because hell will be undeservingly thrust upon us if we don’t. My advice? Tuck this small piece of Scripture away in your heart… its power is heaven sent!
“For the WAGES of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 (Emphasis mine)
In Christ,
PastorJimKilby @Kilbin8er