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Whenever You’re Ready, Honey

Although working with youth can be quite taxing at times, absolutely nothing can be more exasperating than working with the occasional parents that just don’t care.  It almost never fails…  If I find a young person who’s really struggling with sin in his life, he’ll give me some type of problem at home to point to.  Recently, I’ve had a rash of such instances, one of which absolutely blew me away.  This young woman (raised in the church mind you) told me that she asked her mother about “having sex.”  It seems she’s considering losing her virginity to her boyfriend of a few months.  Now get ready, this is a tough one…  Here’s her mother’s advice:   “Whenever you’re ready, honey.”   I know God can forgive every sin.  It’s a good thing He’s God and not me… I don’t think I could forgive this one.  Virginity is the something that if given away, can NEVER be regained.  The advice I would have given her?  I would have sat down and shown her what God’s Word says about it…. and then I would have added my own fatherly advice, “Honey, your virginity is a precious gift to you from God.  It is to be presented to the man He ordained for you on your wedding night–and not one second before!”

“Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools… Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.”  Romans 1:22-24

As a side note, if you’ve already lost your virginity, decide now to rededicate your body to the Lord.  What’s gone is gone, but all is not lost.  The Lord is gracious… if you repent, He will forgive.

In Christ,

PastorJimKilby @Kilbin8er

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